
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Debt: sizzle versus steak - Kitco NEWS

  1. I predicted gold would bottom in mid-November and it did.  Double-click to enlarge this fabulous daily gold chart.

  2. A lot of amateur gold investors have missed this rally.  That’s partly because they thought the “smart money” was shorting a lot of gold on the COMEX.
  3. What they probably overlooked was the possibility that the smart money has been buying the miners and physical metal while shorting “paper gold” on the COMEX.  That’s been a magnificent trade and I’m predicting it will become even more profitable in the years ahead!
  4. Some republicans have labelled a US economy growing at sub 2% GDP growth with a 100%+ government debt to GDP ratio as the “mightiest of all time”. 
  5. They have also missed the massive rally in the miners, because of a silly focus on partisan politics.  The bottom line: They bought the stock market late in the business cycle rather than miners early in the inflation cycle.
  6. To get richer, gold investors need to change with the times, or get left behind.   To keep up with the good times,Double-click to enlarge this awesome GOAU gold stocks ETF chart. 

  7. Note the surge above the Keltner supply line.  RSI is not overbought, and Stochastics is on a buy signal.  That’s bullish action!
  8. Even if there is a light pullback in gold, I expect many miners to keep rallying.
  9. US unemployment is at 50year lows, yet GDP growth can barely hold the 2% marker.  The problem of course… is debt.  As global debt versus GDP skyrockets, investors need to focus on gold, silver, miners, and countries where debt growth isn’t promoted as “awesome” the way it is in America.
  10. On that note. Double-click to enlarge this superb RSX Russian stock market ETF weekly chart.

  11. A pullback is likely, but GDP growth seems set to surge, and so does the stock market. The Russian government’s debt to GDP ratio is only about 30% and personal income tax is a flat 13%.
  12. In contrast, in socialist America, citizens are subject to an obscene progressive income tax system that is really a vile extortion racket.  There’s also horrifying capital gains and property tax, and the government wallows with a 100%+ debt to GDP growth ratio. 
  13. Incredibly, the massively indebted US government assumes the right to take on even more debt and use it with the power of the dollar… to impose sanctions and regime change on a myriad of nations around the world.  Economic growth gets smashed during these macabre attempts to “save the people”. 
  14. To Trump’s credit, he’s reduced the military side of regime change, but not sanctions.  US government meddling in the nations of the world continues.  It will be ended by debt implosion, as it was in Rome.
  15. Double-click to enlarge.  This RSX daily chart is awesome.  Note the synergy between price, RSI, Stochastics, and MACD.  If US sanctions were lifted, Russian GDP growth would skyrocket and the RSX would stage a “moonshot”. 

  16. The US government claims it needs more QE and even lower interest rates to “compete”, but rates are about 6% in Russia, 5% in India, 4% in China, and only about 2% in America. 
  17. America needs to compete, but to compete with the nations of what I call the “gold bull era”, US rates need to rise, and QE needs to be dismantled.
  18. The reserve currency of the dollar has allowed the US government to operate a crazed regime change “mandate” without collapsing internally, but now most nations are racing to embrace de-dollarization. 
  19. That is making US government debt a much greater danger than it was in the past, and it’s making gold stocks the ultimate asset class for the foreseeable future.
  20. Double-click to enlarge this T-bond chart.

  21. Bonds can rally as a safe-haven when debt is not a major issue.  When it is an issue, gold rallies while bonds languish.  As the debt problem intensifies, bonds swoon, the dollar essentially incinerates, and gold skyrockets.
  22. Double-click to enlarge this “pennant of champions” silver chart.  As wages, tariffs, and debt all work synergistically to produce serious inflation, silver becomes a “must own” asset, and silver miners gain institutional interest.

  23. Double-click to enlarge this SIL silver stocks ETF chart.  SIL has blasted to a fresh high, and the miners tend to lead bullion.

  24. Silver miners are outperforming gold miners, and gold is outperforming T-bonds.  These are the hallmarks of debt becoming a major problem in America.  When it comes to addressing the debt problem, the US government is sizzle, and gold and silver are the steak!

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January 01, 2020 at 04:04AM

Debt: sizzle versus steak - Kitco NEWS
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環境視点>(上)ステーキから考える 人工肉開発、背景に温暖化:暮らし(TOKYO Web) - 東京新聞








“牛肉”を培養している CO2インキュベーター





















 安い外国産肉との競争も激化する中、環境への負荷も一つの目安となりそうだ。 (河郷丈史)

<MEMO> 小泉進次郎環境相のステーキ発言 昨年9月に国連気候行動サミットに出席するために訪米した際、ステーキ店で食事。報道陣に「毎日でもステーキを食べたい」などと話し、温暖化防止を担当する大臣としての問題認識を問われた。


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January 01, 2020 at 06:47AM

環境視点>(上)ステーキから考える 人工肉開発、背景に温暖化:暮らし(TOKYO Web) - 東京新聞
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Matt Chatfield and Karli Ritter share steak and cake recipe perfect for NYE - WDAF FOX4 Kansas City

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Matt Chatfield and Karli Ritter share steak and cake recipe perfect for NYE  WDAF FOX4 Kansas City

"Steak" - Google News
December 31, 2019 at 09:31PM

Matt Chatfield and Karli Ritter share steak and cake recipe perfect for NYE - WDAF FOX4 Kansas City
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Our Gourmet: Gordi's Fish & Steak House offers tradition and 'chaos' in Lincoln - The Union Leader

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Our Gourmet: Gordi's Fish & Steak House offers tradition and 'chaos' in Lincoln  The Union Leader

"Steak" - Google News
December 31, 2019 at 09:30AM

Our Gourmet: Gordi's Fish & Steak House offers tradition and 'chaos' in Lincoln - The Union Leader
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Monday, December 30, 2019

アウトドアにピッタリな「たき火用のフライパン」とステーキの相性が抜群! 取っ手は自分で作れちゃうよ│アウトドアな家暮らし - roomie











Bush Craft(ブッシュクラフト) たき火フライパン 10-03-orig-0002














あ!一個あった! フライパンの深さがないので、炒飯なんかを作るときにフライパンを振るすのはやりづらいですね。撒き散らされる米。





たき火フライパン [Bush Craft Inc.]

Bush Craft(ブッシュクラフト) たき火フライパン 10-03-orig-0002



都内でWebディレクターをするかたわら、けん玉チーム「damassy」の一員としてけん玉普及活動にまい進するアラサー。日々けん玉動画を撮影してyoutubeにアップしたり、動画編集に追われてあっぷあっぷしてたりする。 ■youtube

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December 31, 2019 at 11:30AM

アウトドアにピッタリな「たき火用のフライパン」とステーキの相性が抜群! 取っ手は自分で作れちゃうよ│アウトドアな家暮らし - roomie
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Ask the expert: How to cook the perfect medium-rare steak, according to Pat LaFrieda - msnNOW

Pat LaFrieda is an old-school do-it-yourselfer, a formidable trait that bleeds into his cooking. He is precise and foolproof in his methodology. Rule number one? A good steak, as any cook worth their salt might contest, is already so rich in flavor that very little needs to be done in the way of preparation and seasoning. Other tidbits? High heat is essential. A thermometer, unless your very vocation is grilling steaks day-in, day-out, is a very good idea. Have a resting rack ready. And for the sake of all things good and decent in the wide, wonderful world of meat: Do not jab your steak with a fork to judge whether it's cooked to your liking.

a close up of food: There's a lot more of a gray area between the crust and the core on this filet, and none of the golden-brown caramelization that happens with fattier cuts. All in all, I'd be a fool to say that I wasn't pleased with this deftly cooked and presented banquet, but one could argue that you might achieve the same results with a skillet on a stove. © Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

There's a lot more of a gray area between the crust and the core on this filet, and none of the golden-brown caramelization that happens with fattier cuts. All in all, I'd be a fool to say that I wasn't pleased with this deftly cooked and presented banquet, but one could argue that you might achieve the same results with a skillet on a stove.

We've sat down with LaFrieda multiple times to discuss, among other things, the finer points of meat preparation and grilling. We like to think we've gleaned a thing or two. Ever the students, here's what we've learned from the meat man himself.


a tray of food: The age-old salamander or overhead grill (or broiler) - possibly named after old folklore around dragons and lizards wielding fire, but who knows - is the very reason your steak crust and fish skin seem so impossibly crispy when you dine out. And at last, 1,500-degree Fahrenheit heat is safely available to the home cook at a (relatively) affordable price. Yes, there have been other iterations of the consumer-scaled salamander (or "sally", for short), but everything I've found has either been too small or too expensive (I'm talking over $2,000). The Otto Wilde OFB grill comes more or less assembled, which you may take for an exceptional luxury if you've ever had to assemble a large propane grill before. Just make sure you find the small brass adapter piece as you're unboxing. You'll need this to attach the hose for your propane tank. Otherwise, all you really have to do is place the top unit on top (no fastening required) and slide in the cast iron grate (the company also offers a stainless steel grate, if you prefer) Preheating the Otto Wilde takes all of three minutes. Reminder: This thing gets up to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, which is most certainly a temperature that no part of the human body should ever encounter. Go ahead and try this at home, but keep the kids and pets away, and don't leave it unattended. One of my favorite things about this grill is the drip tray, which not only helps keep your food from drying out (just like a smoker) but also makes cleanup a cinch. Just let the grill cool down and pull the tray out to wash it (it's dishwasher safe). © Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

The age-old salamander or overhead grill (or broiler) - possibly named after old folklore around dragons and lizards wielding fire, but who knows - is the very reason your steak crust and fish skin seem so impossibly crispy when you dine out. And at last, 1,500-degree Fahrenheit heat is safely available to the home cook at a (relatively) affordable price. Yes, there have been other iterations of the consumer-scaled salamander (or "sally", for short), but everything I've found has either been too small or too expensive (I'm talking over $2,000).

The Otto Wilde OFB grill comes more or less assembled, which you may take for an exceptional luxury if you've ever had to assemble a large propane grill before. Just make sure you find the small brass adapter piece as you're unboxing. You'll need this to attach the hose for your propane tank.

Otherwise, all you really have to do is place the top unit on top (no fastening required) and slide in the cast iron grate (the company also offers a stainless steel grate, if you prefer)

Preheating the Otto Wilde takes all of three minutes. Reminder: This thing gets up to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, which is most certainly a temperature that no part of the human body should ever encounter. Go ahead and try this at home, but keep the kids and pets away, and don't leave it unattended.

One of my favorite things about this grill is the drip tray, which not only helps keep your food from drying out (just like a smoker) but also makes cleanup a cinch. Just let the grill cool down and pull the tray out to wash it (it's dishwasher safe).

Some meat enthusiasts believe in bringing a steak up to room temperature before tossing it on the grill. Now, as a meat purveyor, Pat LaFrieda is not exactly encouraged by the FDA to invite the associated bacteria to the party, but he claims it's pointless to leave a steak out. How do you prepare the perfect medium-rare steak? "Straight from the fridge at 38 degrees [Fahrenheit], douse it in salt." If you're cooking with an overhead oven, "Lower the grate down from heat (on high), and cook it for about three minutes on each side, if you're cooking, say, a 1.5-inch porterhouse. Once finished, pepper it." Some say that peppering your steak ahead of cooking will cause it to burn and impart a bitter taste.


a close up of food on a grill: Love or hate the tomahawk steak, you can't deny that this is a thing of beauty. While the Otto Wilde will handle a lean cut like a filet, it prefers something with a formidable fat content, like a ribeye, or this tomahawk steak. That's how you get an evenly sealed, crispy, golden crust like you see above. © Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

Love or hate the tomahawk steak, you can't deny that this is a thing of beauty. While the Otto Wilde will handle a lean cut like a filet, it prefers something with a formidable fat content, like a ribeye, or this tomahawk steak. That's how you get an evenly sealed, crispy, golden crust like you see above.

As for guesstimating the doneness of your steak? Probably not the best move for most of us. "This whole thing about 'If you touch it and it feels like your cheek,' I never got that," LaFrieda says. "Stick a thermometer in the center where it's toughest and where the bone is. If it's 125 [degrees Fahrenheit], I'm taking it out. If you rest it for more than 2 minutes, then it's going to continue to cook through."

And when you pull that steak out? Get it on a resting rack. "You don't want the meat to rest in its own juices. Whatever's going to fall, let it fall." Otherwise, he tells us, "You're now steaming the steak again - what we've worked so hard to do, and now we're going to lose it. Let it sit for two minutes on the rack, then make sure you cut into it and stop the heating process."


a close up of food© Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

"Slice it at 2 minutes and the cooking procedure ends. The moment you cut through a steak, the resting period is over. No juices get redistributed through the product. The exterior temperatures are equaling the interior temperatures. That's just physics. This gets you a nice sear and one solid color throughout." As for the right knife? A meat slicing knife works, but LaFrieda prefers a butcher's knife to get the job done. Pat's brand of choice is Victorinox.


Once you've sliced your steak, or let it rest as long as you'd like, it's time to add fresh-ground pepper, if you want it. Then there's really only one question left: To use sauce, or not to use sauce? "I love sauces, LaFrieda says. "They bring a different dimension to something that I've eaten most likely plain for most of my life."

His favorite sauces? "Mine. It's a little sweet, and it's got a lot of reduced balsamic and sautéed Vidalia onions, which you can use as a marinade. If you just use it for steaks, a little bit goes a long way because it has that potency of the balsamic and the sweet Vidalia. My whole life I've been eating steak au poivre from Raoul's."

(Editor's note: Unfortunately, we can't find or buy Raoul's Steak au Poivre recipe, but we're working to send Owen deep undercover into Raoul's in SoHo to obtain this highly coveted recipe for all the world to share. In the meantime, Pat's sauce, as well as this 1950s recipe from Epicurious, should do.)

On reheating leftovers

If you're going to have leftovers, "Make sure the meat is very rare, to begin with," LaFrieda implores. "If you're going to make a whole fillet and you know you'll only eat a few slices, make sure you refrigerate the rarest parts so when you reheat it, it's not overcooked. And keep it out of the microwave for crying out loud. Stovetop."

And there you have it.

For more meat tips, read Pat LaFrieda's Meat: Everything You Need to Know, and check out his list of the 8 grilling tools he cannot live without.

Related video: Steak pot pie beats chicken any day [via Delish]

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December 30, 2019 at 04:00AM

Ask the expert: How to cook the perfect medium-rare steak, according to Pat LaFrieda - msnNOW
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Badgers celebrate road to the Rose Bowl with trip to Disneyland, steak dinner - WDJT

PASADENA, Calif. (CBS 58) -- The Wisconsin Badgers are in California getting ready to take on the Oregon Ducks in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day.

Fans who traveled to Pasadena will get to enjoy a pep rally ahead of the game on Monday afternoon, Dec. 30. 

Players got the chance to enjoy the moment with a steak dinner over the weekend and some trips to Disneyland. But the team says when it's time to prepare, they're fully focused. 

"We do it the same way as any other game, you know we're here to play a football game, we're here to win a football game we're here to be champions," said Chris Orr, Wisconsin linebacker.

"It's cool that we're in a bowl game, we earned the right to have all these events and special gifts and everything that comes with it, but we also earned the right to play another football game," said Zach Baun, Wisconsin linebacker. 

The Badgers will hold another rally on Wednesday. It will nbe across from the stadium at 10 a.m. pacific time. 

Kickoff is set for 4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 1 central time. 

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December 31, 2019 at 01:01AM

Badgers celebrate road to the Rose Bowl with trip to Disneyland, steak dinner - WDJT
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FTSE Snaps 11 Day Winning Steak - FXStreet

After an impressive 11 consecutive winning sessions the FTSE was on the back-foot heading towards the close. With Wall Street starting in the red, a stronger pound and little for traders to grab onto in the sluggish seasonal trading period, profit taking was the order of the day.

Pound to $1.3170?

The pound is faring better than the FTSE in the penultimate day of trading of the year. The pound is on the rise for the sixth straight session, extending gains by 0.4% at the start of the week versus both the euro and the dollar, as thin trading volume enhances action in the fx markets.

Pound traders are shrugging off the no deal Brexit concerns that caused sterling to pare post-election gains.

The UK is set to leave the UK on 31st January, entering a transition period whereby it will remain in the single market and customs union until the end of 2020. Boris Johnson has pledged to not extend the transition period, meaning that there is a tight timetable for complex UK/EUR trade negotiations. The EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen has expressed doubts that a trade deal can be reached within the time set out.

In the case that no trade agreement is reached the UK will leave the EU under WTO trade rules, a significant step down from the current arrangement and an arrangement that investors fear will negatively impact the UK economy.

Despite the recent rally in the pound, concerns over Brexit are likely to continue weighing on the pound heading into 2020.

Weakness in the dollar is also helping boost cable. Profit taking after a strong year, in addition to improved risk sentiment amid easing US – China trade tensions is boosting flows out of the safe haven greenback. US Chicago PMI’s up next.

Levels to watch:

GBP/USD is trading with bullish momentum, trading above its 20 and 50 sma on 30-minute chart. Resistance can be seen at $1.3145 and $1.3170. A break below $1.3080 is needed to negate the bullish bias. On the downside support can be seen as $1.3065 and $1.3045.


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December 30, 2019 at 10:56PM

FTSE Snaps 11 Day Winning Steak - FXStreet
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Velvet Taco plots new West Plano restaurant in place of Steve Fields Steak - The Dallas Morning News

Plano’s first standalone Velvet Taco is expected to open in spring 2020, at the W. Park Boulevard and Preston Road site where Steve Fields Steak & Lobster Lounge closed in September 2019 after 14 years in operation.

Velvet Taco’s expansion to Plano was expected; Grant Morgan, director of food and beverage, told us in summer 2018 that the Dallas 'burbs were on the company’s short-term plan.

The restaurant will technically be Plano’s second Velvet Taco: The first is in a non-traditional location inside a food hall in West Plano called Legacy Hall. That location will remain open, says a spokeswoman for the company.

The Velvet Taco at Park & Preston is expected to open in spring 2020.

Every Velvet Taco looks different. Here's the one on McKinney Avenue in Uptown Dallas, which opened in 2018.
Every Velvet Taco looks different. Here's the one on McKinney Avenue in Uptown Dallas, which opened in 2018.(Sara Freund of Velvet Taco)

Velvet Taco was founded in Dallas in 2011. It’s best known for its tacos with interesting ingredients like chicken tikka or Nashville hot tofu. Velvet Taco also sells backdoor chicken, a $20 meal of rotisserie chicken, tortillas and elotes handed out the side or back door of each restaurant. When it first became available, it was a bit of a Dallas secret — at a time when secret menus at restaurants were becoming ever popular.

The original Velvet Taco, at Henderson Avenue and U.S. Highway 75, is open until 4 a.m. on weekends and sometimes sees long lines of after-bars crowds. The shop has grown to six restaurants in Dallas-Fort Worth, two in Houston, one in Austin and several out of state.

Velvet Taco has recently tested a fairly novel concept: On Greenville Avenue in Dallas, a drive-thru exists solely for those who have ordered on the mobile app. Chipotle is doing the same thing, with its “Chipotlanes.”

Velvet Taco will be located at 5013 W. Park Blvd., Plano, and is expected to open in spring 2020.

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December 30, 2019 at 10:08PM

Velvet Taco plots new West Plano restaurant in place of Steve Fields Steak - The Dallas Morning News
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Rendezvous Steak Shop owner says final month in business has been like 'an extended wake' - LancasterOnline

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Rendezvous Steak Shop owner says final month in business has been like 'an extended wake'  LancasterOnline

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December 30, 2019 at 07:00PM

Rendezvous Steak Shop owner says final month in business has been like 'an extended wake' - LancasterOnline
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「いきなり!ステーキ」来年はどうなる? 運営のペッパーフード株価、年初来安値で年越し - J-CASTニュース

   今年最後の取引となる大納会を迎えた30日の東京株式市場で、ステーキ専門店「いきなり!ステーキ」を主力事業とするペッパーフードサービス (東京都墨田区)が年初来最安値を付けた。


  • いきなり!ステーキ





   11月には不採算店の撤退などで23億4600万円の特別損失を計上し、財務の健全性を示す自己資本比率は 13.6%から4.8%に悪化した。



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December 30, 2019 at 03:02PM

「いきなり!ステーキ」来年はどうなる? 運営のペッパーフード株価、年初来安値で年越し - J-CASTニュース
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Sunday, December 29, 2019

『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - しらべぇ





・いきなりバターソース 410円

・いきなりビーフハンバーグ 550円×3

・プレミアムビーフカレー 648円

・ひれステーキ200グラム 1,944円

・サーロインステーキ200グラム 1,728円

・笑顔の見えるマスク 1728円(5個売りの物のみなので5分の1の金額)

合計 8,108円

関連記事:イオンのステーキ店『ガブリングステーキ』が激安 いきなりステーキと比較すると




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December 30, 2019 at 05:00AM

『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - しらべぇ
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ステーキ調理の科学 じっくり弱火焼きでジューシーに(NIKKEI STYLE) - Yahoo!ニュース


■常温に戻さず すぐ調理OK



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December 30, 2019 at 05:47AM

ステーキ調理の科学 じっくり弱火焼きでジューシーに(NIKKEI STYLE) - Yahoo!ニュース
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『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - 最新グルメニュース一覧 - インフォシーク





・いきなりバターソース 410円

・いきなりビーフハンバーグ 550円×3

・プレミアムビーフカレー 648円

・ひれステーキ200グラム 1,944円

・サーロインステーキ200グラム 1,728円

・笑顔の見えるマスク 1728円(5個売りの物のみなので5分の1の金額)

合計 8,108円

関連記事:『いきなりステーキ』と『ステーキガスト』どちらがお得? 安価な2品で比較















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December 30, 2019 at 05:00AM

『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - 最新グルメニュース一覧 - インフォシーク
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Save over 60% on these Damascus steel steak knives - Boing Boing

If you're at all serious about your cooking, eventually you're going to need a knife set. And not the one that got handed down to you by your parents, but a real chef's set that will make you notice the difference in every cut.

With that in mind, it's worth considering a set that will distinguish themselves before you even use them. And believe us, people who haven't seen Damascus steel before will definitely take notice of this set of 4 Damascus Steak Knives.

In a nutshell, Damascus steel was a legendary form of metal and metalworking that produced some of the most feared weapons in the Eastern hemisphere. While the source metal of wootz is lost to the ages, modern blacksmiths have learned how to replicate the process — with time and care.

The result is the watery pattern on the blades of these chef knives, a side effect of their hardness and ability to keep a keen edge. Each one is 8 1/2 inches and augmented with pakkawood, rosewood and walnut wood handles.

Pick up your set of four Damascus Steak Knives, currently on sale at 44% off retail but available for 20% off that final price by using the discount code 20SAVE20.

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"Steak" - Google News
December 30, 2019 at 04:45AM

Save over 60% on these Damascus steel steak knives - Boing Boing
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『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - ニフティニュース





・いきなりバターソース 410円

・いきなりビーフハンバーグ 550円×3

・プレミアムビーフカレー 648円

・ひれステーキ200グラム 1,944円

・サーロインステーキ200グラム 1,728円

・笑顔の見えるマスク 1728円(5個売りの物のみなので5分の1の金額)

合計 8,108円

関連記事:『いきなりステーキ』と『ステーキガスト』どちらがお得? 安価な2品で比較














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"ステーキ" - Google ニュース
December 30, 2019 at 05:00AM

『いきなりステーキ』福袋、2000円お得かと思いきや全然お得じゃなかった - ニフティニュース
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Your Steak Dinner Gets Turned Up A Notch With This Surprising Sauce -

One of my most favorite cities in the world is Florence, Italy. This Renaissance city is oh-so-enchanting, not to mention the best place to feast on world-class art and gourmet cuisine. I will never forget trying the blueberry steak at a local restaurant there. When the waiter recommended we order it for our dinner, I had my hesitations, but decided to trust the expert. And I am so glad that I did! Sweet and savory, this is a dish that begs for a serving and is best enjoyed with your companion for a special night

When I cook steaks, I always remove them from the fridge and let rest at room temperature for 20 minutes prior to cooking. This way, they aren’t cold and don’t seize when they hit the pan, resulting in more tender, evenly cooked steaks!

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"Steak" - Google News
December 29, 2019 at 04:33AM

Your Steak Dinner Gets Turned Up A Notch With This Surprising Sauce -
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二郎系ステーキ『コメトステーキ』の米が激ウマ 「肉は付け合わせ」 - 最新グルメニュース一覧 - インフォシーク






関連記事:本家超えのラーメン二郎インスパイア店はあるのか? 調査3回目『さぶ郎』





噂どおり、メニューは米とステーキのみ。食券機の上段には、「米とステーキ 1,600円」「米とステーキ(よく焼き)1,600円」というボタン2つだけが並んでいる。
























(文/しらべぇ編集部・野瀬 研人


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December 29, 2019 at 05:30AM

二郎系ステーキ『コメトステーキ』の米が激ウマ 「肉は付け合わせ」 - 最新グルメニュース一覧 - インフォシーク
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Donovan’s Steak and Chop House in La Jolla Closes Its Doors - NBC 7 San Diego

A popular steakhouse in downtown La Jolla abruptly shut its doors this week.

Donovan's Steak and Chop House on Prospect Street was officially closed on Dec. 27, the restaurant told NBC 7 in a statement.

"It's insane that they closed down. I can't believe it," Joe Heinrich, a Donovan's La Jolla customer told NBC 7.

Donovan's said that continuing to provide a dining experience for their guests has "become unsustainable as the high cost of doing business in California continues to rise."

Donovan's sent NBC 7 the following statement:

“It is with great disappointment that we announce Donovan’s La Jolla has closed effective December 27th. Donovan’s Steak & Chop House was proud to have served the residents, guests, and visitors of La Jolla, initially in the UTC area and subsequently in the Village of La Jolla, for over two decades. We are grateful for our customers’ loyal patronage and equally appreciative of our outstanding team of employees who gave our customers unmatched service. Donovan’s business model has always been driven by the dining experience we provide to our guests. Providing that level of experience has become unsustainable as the high cost of doing business in California continues to rise. It’s an unfortunate reality, and the decision to close this location was not made lightly. It was our honor to be a part of the La Jolla restaurant community since 1999.”

Donovan's Steak and Chop House still has its downtown San Diego location open on K Street.

Donovan's in La Jolla was located in Westfield UTC for 15 years but later relocated to 1250 Prospect St. in 2015.

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"Steak" - Google News
December 29, 2019 at 02:40AM

Donovan’s Steak and Chop House in La Jolla Closes Its Doors - NBC 7 San Diego
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